Machine Readable Bibliographic Information Committee (MARBI) (Saturday a.m. and Sunday p.m.)

This report is in order by proposal and discussion paper number rather than in agenda order. The agenda is available at with papers linked.

Proposal 2003-01: Defining subfield $2 in Field 022 for ISSN Center code
ISSNs and key titles are maintained by various centers around the world. When the coding for ISSN center was established, a single byte in field 008 was devoted to this information. There are now 74 active ISSN centers. This proposal passed to make 008/20 obsolete and create a $2 in 022 for the ISSN center. A parallel change was made to 006.

Proposal 2003-02: Definition of subfield $u (URI) in Field 538 (System Details Note) in the MARC 21 Bibliographic Format
This proposal will expand the usage of the 538 from merely giving system details to providing a place to give the details about the creation and maintenance of a digital resource. The proposal passed with the addition of $3 and $i as well as definition in Holdings and an expanded definition.

Discussion paper 2003-DP01: Data elements for article-level description
This paper originated with the California Digital Library which is receiving indexing records with citation information for the description of a journal article. Field 773 currently allows for such information based on AACR, e.g. Vol. 27, no. 3 (Dec. 2002), p. 234-245. The paper discussed several options, i.e. separate fields; separate subfields for volume, number, dates, pagination; the methodologies used by OpenURL, CrossRef and SICI. This will return as a proposal with options for one field or separate fields, as well as subfielding.

Discussion paper 2003-DP02: Coding graphic images in Leader/06 in the MARC 21 Bibliographic Format
Images are coded as either projected or not. This is no longer the most important consideration for many libraries. This paper proposes changes the division to moving or still images. This would mean that certain types of graphic images would move from category g to k. Those that would move are slides, transparencies, and filmstrips. As usual, Leader/06 has too much information packed into it. Further input is needed from some communities such as OLAC, AMIA and VRA. A survey will be undertaken of the record to determine where the record tries to differentiate data about projected/nonprojected and moving/still, e.g. 008, 006, 007, 245 $h, 300 and 655. The GMD is under fire in other circles. A question will be prepared for the MARC list and will be forwarded to other lists, with representatives from those communities seeking input for a further discussion.

Discussion paper 2003-DP03: Adding Field 024 (Other standard identifier) into the MARC 21 Authority Format
International standard numbers have now been developed for texts (International Standard Text Code or ISTC), works of music (International Standard Musical Work Code or ISWC), recordings (International Standard Recording Code or ISRC), and audiovisual materials (International Standard Audiovisual Number or ISAN) which might be represented by an authority record. This paper proposed using field 024 to record the standard number for an entity represented in the 1XX of the authority record. Presumably, if an international standard number is ever developed for works of art, this could also go here. There did not seem to be discussion of using this number for linking works hierarchically. There is a relationship to work on the functional requirements for bib and authority records, as well as the appropriate place for works, expressions, manifestations and items. Though there are still many matters to be resolved, this will probably come back as a proposal with a preference for $2 being used for any standard number rather than using indicators.

Business meeting
Update 3 for the formats is available online and the print version is at CDS. The 2002 edition of GACs is out. LC is no longer producing a print version of organization codes (aka NUC codes) since there is a searchable database on the MARC page. Other code lists are moving in this direction. The new edition of the language codes will be out soon and the online version is kept up-to-date as codes are added or changed. ClassWeb has 900 subscribers. MARCXML records will soon be available in Unicode, with MARC 2709 records to follow somewhat later. The Library of Congress and the British Library have signed an agreement on MARC issues (with one tabled item), with joint maintenance along with the National Library of Canada.

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